Christopher Castro, Ph.D.

PhD student from January 2016 to March 2023

Research areas

  • Non-coding Variation
  • Genetics of Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • De Novo Mutations
  • Gene Regulation


  • B.S.: Northeastern Illinois University

Honors and Awards

  • Bioinformatics Training Program (T32)
  • Rackham Merit Fellow
  • Rackham Graduate Student Research Grant (pre-candidate)
  • Rackham Graduate Student Research Grant (candidate)
  • Global Research Engagement Opportunity Fellowship


Christopher Castro received his bachelor’s degree in applied mathematics from Northeastern Illinois University. His PhD research targeted the role of genetic variation in autism spectrum disorders, with a particular focus on uninherited (de novo) mutations occurring in non-coding regions. He is currently a project manager in the Boyle Lab coordinating efforts between several University of Michigan DCMB labs and the IGVF (Impact of Genomic Variation on Function) Consortium.

Boyle lab papers

  1. McDonald TL, Zhou W, Castro CP, Mumm C, Switzenberg JA, Mills RE and Boyle AP. 2021. Cas9 targeted enrichment of mobile elements using nanopore sequencing. Nature Communications. 12: 3586. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-23918-y.