Postdoctoral Associate in Computational Genomics (RegulomeDB)

A postdoctoral position is available with Dr. Alan Boyle in the Department of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics at the University of Michigan Medical School. This position is focused on development and implementation of new integrative analysis techniques with a focus on interpretation of non-coding variants, their relevant functional tissues, and their affected genes. Ideal applicants will have experience with eukaryotic genetics and current computational biology and bioinformatics methodologies.

This postdoctoral position is focused on development and implementation of new integrative analysis techniques with a focus on variant interpretation using our NIH funded resource, RegulomeDB ( Additional responsibilities will include collaborating with and oversight of undergraduate and graduate students working on multiple projects. Most importantly, the applicant should be a good fit for our lab culture, which is one of openness, scientific rigor, friendliness, and general good humor.

The successful applicant will be part of a cutting-edge research program with experience with large genomics studies and extensive opportunities for collaborations around the world. The lab focuses on the boundary between computational and experimental techniques and the applicant will have ample opportunity to work closely with bench research and novel datasets with the ultimate goal of developing their own research program. More information on ongoing projects is available at

Qualifications: The applicant should have (or be near completion of) a Ph.D. in a computational or biological field and a track record of published research commensurate with their field. The applicant should have strong computational skills and proficiency in programming (ideally C/C++, Java, perl, python, or R). The successful candidate will have excellent organization and communication skills, collaborative spirit and strong personal motivation. Evidence of scholarly productivity in the form of journal articles, conference proceedings, and/or conference presentations is mandatory. English language proficiency is required.

Interested applicants should submit a brief statement of interest, CV, and contact information for three references. For questions regarding the position, please contact Dr. Alan Boyle at Review of applications begins September 1, 2022.

Postdoctoral Associate in Molecular Biology / Genomics

A postdoctoral position is available with Dr. Alan Boyle in the Department of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics and the Department of Human Genetics at the University of Michigan Medical School. This is a highly interdisciplinary lab focused on both genetic and epigenetic transcriptional regulation of genes. This position is focused on investigation of repressive elements on global gene expression in cancer. You will work in a group that has actively developed and applied new genomic techniques to relevant biological problems. Ideal applicants will have experience with eukaryotic genetics and current genomics and molecular biology methodologies.

The applicant will be involved in a NCI funded research project focusing heavily on human molecular genetic techniques including cell culture, cloning, transformation, and FACS with the ultimate goal of developing a high-throughput reporter assay that allows for efficient and robust identification and characterization of novel negative regulatory elements and expanding our understanding of the role that NREs play in gene regulation across many cancer cell types. Importantly, we will also focus on career development of these positions with the ultimate goal of helping the postdoc develop their own independent research program.

Desired Qualifications: The applicant should have (or be near completion of) a Ph.D. in Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, or related field and significant experience in a molecular biology lab setting. The candidate should have strong written and oral communication skills, maintain good laboratory records, have the ability to work under deadlines with general guidance, and to contribute to manuscripts, grants, and presentations. The candidate is expected to work well with our team and contribute to a productive lab environment. Evidence of scholarly productivity in the form of journal articles, conference proceedings, and/or conference presentations is mandatory. English language proficiency is required.

Interested applicants should submit a brief statement of interest, CV, and contact information for three references. For questions regarding the position, please contact Dr. Alan Boyle at Review of applications begins September 1, 2022

Postdoctoral Associate in Computational Genomics (IGVF)

Multiple Postdoctoral positions and a Project Manager position are available as part of the Impact of Genomic Variation on Function (IGVF; consortium in the Department of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics at the University of Michigan Medical School in the labs of Alan Boyle, Ryan Mills, and Joshua Welch. Broadly, our labs focus on enabling biological discovery through the application of computational approaches to genomic data. Our groups at the University of Michigan represent a predictive modeling U01 as part of the $185M NHGRI IGVF project spanning 30 US research sites.

These positions will focus on methods for analyzing and integrating single-cell RNA-seq data, single-cell epigenome data, and high throughput genomic perturbation data as part of the IGVF consortium with the goal of mapping genotype to phenotype. We are specifically focused on mapping genotype to changes in gene regulation and predicting how these gene regulation changes result in an overall shift in cell states. Ultimately this predicting in shifts of cell state will result in improved understanding of abnormal disease states in disease. A unique benefit of this position is the rich set of collaborative and leadership opportunities available both at Michigan and as part of the close integration with the IGVF consortium. Importantly, we will also focus on career development of these positions with the ultimate goal of helping the postdoc develop their own independent research program.

Desired Qualifications: The applicant should have (or be near completion of) a Ph.D. in a computational or biological field and a track record of published research commensurate with their field. The applicant should have strong computational skills and proficiency in programming (ideally C/C++, Java, perl, python, or R). The successful candidate will have excellent organization and communication skills, collaborative spirit and strong personal motivation. Evidence of scholarly productivity in the form of journal articles, conference proceedings, and/or conference presentations is mandatory. English language proficiency is required.

Interested applicants should submit a brief statement of interest, CV, and contact information for three references. For questions regarding the position, please contact Dr. Alan Boyle at Review of applications begins September 1, 2022.

Postdoctoral Positions

We are always on the search for stellar candidates with interests in computational genomics both in our wet lab and dry lab.

To apply, send a CV, cover letter describing your research experiences and ongoing research interests, a 1-2 page research plan, and contact information for three references to Alan Boyle at

Graduate Students

We are currently accepting Ph.D. students. Rotation positions are available.

Please see the application procedure for the Bioinformatics Ph.D. Program at the Center for Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics (CCMB) and the University's Program in Biomedical Sciences (PIBS) Ph.D. Program.